Source code for demo.follow

import time

from demo.shapes import pyramid
from mciwb.imports import Direction, Item, Vec3, get_world

[docs]def follow(pyramid_centre): """ Spooky Pyramid function: draws a pyramid centred at pyramid_centre, made of carved pumpkins that always turn to face the player """ world = get_world() pyramid_centre = Vec3(*pyramid_centre) size = 11 half = int(size / 2) corner = pyramid_centre + Direction.SOUTH * half + Direction.WEST * half old_direction = 0 while True: time.sleep(0.5) direction = Direction.facing(Vec3(5, 0, -5), world.player.pos) if direction != old_direction: old_direction = direction pyramid(corner, size, Item.CARVED_PUMPKIN, facing=direction)