This is the public API reference for MCIWB

MCIWB is built upon further libraries. The dependencies look like this:






Provides the raw RCON interface to Minecraft


Adds useful types to RCON creating a neat Python API for Minecraft


Adds a world builder API to MCIPC that creates complex objects in the world


Adds interactive features to MCWB


mciwb.__version__: str#

Version number as calculated by


class mciwb.iwb.Iwb(server: str, port: int, passwd: str)[source]#

Interactive World Builder class. Provides a very simple interface for interactive functions for use in an IPython shell.

  • player – The default Player object.

  • copierCopyPaste object for the above player.

  • signs – The Signs object for the above player.

Initialise the world object.

  • server – the server address

  • port – the server port

  • passwd – the server password


SessionTimeout – if the connection to the server fails

debug(enable: bool = True)[source]#

Enable/disable debug log. Enabling this will also enable full Traceback log.

backup(name=None) None[source]#

Backup the Minecraft world to a file. If no name is given then the backup will be named using the current date and time.

connect() Client[source]#

Makes a connection to the Minecraft Server. Can be called again if the connection is lost e.g. due to server reboot.

add_player(name: str, me=True)[source]#

Add a player to the world object. This provides monitoring of the player’s position and handles the player’s placing of action signs.

If me is True then the player will be set as the current default player. The default player is available using:


All players are available using:

set_block(pos: Vec3, block: Item, facing: Optional[Vec3] = None)[source]#

Sets a block in the world

get_block(pos: Vec3) Item[source]#

Gets a block in the world

save(filename: str, vol: Optional[Volume] = None)[source]#

Save a Volume of blocks to a file. The volume can be specified in the vol parameter or alternatively defaults to the current copy buffer.

load(filename: str, position: Optional[Vec3] = None, anchor: Anchor3 = Anchor3.BOTTOM_SW)[source]#

Load a saved set of blocks into a location. The location can be specified in argument position or alternatively defaults to the copy buffer start position.

cmd(cmd: str) str[source]#

Run any arbitrary Minecraft console command on the server.


Represent a player in the world and provide functions for monitoring their state

class mciwb.player.Player(name: str)[source]#

Represent a player in the world and provide functions for monitoring their position and direction they are facing.

property inventory: List[str]#

Get the player’s inventory

property pos_f: Vec3#

Return the player’s precise position

property pos: Vec3#

Return the player’s block position

property facing: Vec3#

Return the player’s facing direction


a Vec3 representing the direction the player is facing NORTH = Vec3(0, 0, -1) SOUTH = Vec3(0, 0, 1) EAST = Vec3(1, 0, 0) WEST = Vec3(-1, 0, 0)

property rotation: Tuple[float, float]#

Get the player’s rotation in degrees

player_in(volume: Volume) bool[source]#

Check if the player is inside the Volume


volume – the volume of blocks to check

classmethod players_in(volume: Volume) List[Player][source]#

return a list of player names whose position is inside the Volume


Functions for launching and controlling a Minecraft server in a Docker container.

class mciwb.server.MinecraftServer(name: str, rcon: int, password: str, server_folder: Path, world_type: str, backup_folder: Optional[Path] = None, keep: bool = True, test=False)[source]#

Create an monitor Minecraft servers on the local machine using Docker

  • name – the name of the server

  • rcon – the rcon port for the server

  • password – the rcon password for the server

  • server_folder – the folder to store the server files in

  • world_type – the type of world to create

  • keep – keep the server running after tests

  • test – run the server in test mode

Create a MinecraftServer object only. Use create to spin up the container.


Wait until the server is ready to accept rcon connections


Stop the minecraft server


Start the minecraft server


Remove a minecraft server container


force – force the removal of the container

create(world_zip=None, force=False) None[source]#

Spin up a minecraft server in a container

  • world_zip – the zip file to use as the world data. If None is provided, a new world will be created.

  • force – force the server to be removed if it already exists

classmethod stop_named(name: str)[source]#

Stop a minecraft server by name


name – the name of the server to stop


Thread functions for running any background tasks. Primarily used for monitoring the state of objects in Minecraft.

class mciwb.monitor.Monitor(func: Union[None, Callable] = None, params: Tuple[Any, ...] = (), once=False, name=None, poll_rate=0.2, start=True)[source]#

” A class to provide threads for monitoring. Each thread maintains a list of functions to call repeatedly.

Each thread has its own Client object for parallel execution of Minecraft server functions.

  • name – name of the thread

  • func – a function to call in the Monitor thread

  • params – parameters to pass to the above function. Note that func and params can be None, () in which case you must use add_poller_func to add functions to be called.

  • poll_rate – rate at which to poll the functions

  • once – if True, stop polling after first poll - use for a single background operation

  • start – if True, start the thread immediately


Begin polling the functions in the pollers list

add_poller_func(func: Callable, params: Tuple[Any, ...] = ())[source]#

Add a function to the pollers list

  • func – function to add

  • params – parameters to pass to the function

remove_poller_func(func: Callable)[source]#

Remove a function from the pollers list


func – function to remove

classmethod stop_all()[source]#

Stop all instances of Monitor and tidy up. Call this before exiting the program otherwise Python will wait on the background threads indefinitely.


Stop this instance of Monitor

classmethod stop_named(name: str)[source]#

Stop a named instance of Monitor



Add an interactive capability through the placing of command signs in the world

class mciwb.signs.Signs(player: Player)[source]#

Monitor the world for signs placed by a player. Perform an action based on the text of the sign.

Each sign object can be used to monitor the placing of signs by a single player. The object can be hooked to functions that are to be called when a sign is placed by the player.

By default each Sign object is initialized with select/copy/paste functions. Additional signs with callback functions can be added.

For best results, use the bound methods of an object for the callback functions. That way the user code can manage state within the object providing those functions.

do_action(command: str, target: Vec3, block_pos: Vec3)[source]#

Perform an action based on the text of the sign. The action is to call the callback function that is configured for this sign text.

  • command – the text of the sign

  • target – the target block that the sign indicates

  • block_pos – the position of the block that the sign is on - this is cleared if the sign is used

add_sign(name: str, function: Callable[[Vec3], None])[source]#

Add a new sign type with its action callback function

  • name – the text of the sign

  • function – the callback function to be called when the sign is placed

remove_sign(name: str)[source]#

Stop monitoring for a sign with the given name


name – the text of the sign


Give player one of each command sign in our commands list

Check first if the player has the sign already


Provide copy and paste actions on Volumes of blocks

class mciwb.copier.CopyPaste[source]#

Provides an interactive way to use copy and paste commands within a Minecraft world.

to_volume() Volume[source]#

Converts the copy buffer location and dimensions to a Volume

apply_volume(vol: Volume)[source]#

Use a Volume to set the copy buffer location and dimensions


return a list of command names and the callback functions they represent. For use in setting up a Signs object that can be used to interactively call the copy paste functions.

select(pos: Vec3)[source]#

Select a new copy buffer start point in the world. The previous start point becomes the stop point (i.e. opposite corner of the paste buffer)

paste(pos: Vec3, force=True)[source]#

Copy the contents of past buffer to pos

paste_safe(pos: Vec3)[source]#

Paste the contents of the paste buffer to pos, but only if the paste buffer does not overlap with the target area

fill(pos: Vec3 = Vec3(x=0, y=0, z=0), item: Item = Item.AIR)[source]#

fill the paste buffer offset by pos with Air or a specified block

  • pos – offset from the paste buffer start point

  • item – block to fill with

clear(_: Vec3 = Vec3(x=0, y=0, z=0))[source]#

Clear the blocks in the current paste buffer

expand_to(pos: Vec3)[source]#

expand one or more of the dimensions of the copy buffer by moving the faces outwards to the specified point

expand(x=0, y=0, z=0)[source]#

expand one or more of the dimensions of the copy buffer by relative amounts


mciwb.switch.item_types = {'BUTTON': '[face=floor, facing=north]', 'LEVER': '[face=floor, facing=north]', 'PRESSURE_PLATE': '[]', 'TRIPWIRE_HOOK': '[]'}#

supported switch types and the properties to set on them

class mciwb.switch.Switch(position: Vec3, item: Item, callback: Callable[[Switch], None], name: str = '')[source]#

Defines a class for representing a lever, button or any other activator in the world. Implements monitoring of the switch’s state with callbacks.

  • position – the position of the switch in the world

  • item – the item type of the switch (must be one of item_types)

  • callback – the callback to call when the switch’s state changes

  • name – the name of the switch (defaults to “switch” + id)

  • id – the id of the switch

  • name – the name of the switch

  • pos – the position of the switch in the world

  • powered – the current state of the switch (True if powered)

  • callback – the callback to call when the switch’s state changes

  • monitor – the Monitor object for the switch

  • switches – the list of all switches in the world

  • next_id – the next id to assign to a switch

  • on – the state to check for a powered switch

  • off – the state to check for an un-powered switch

  • monitor – the Monitor object for the switch

classmethod remove_named(name: str)[source]#

Remove a switch by name.


Remove the switch from the world. Clean up the monitor.

classmethod stop()[source]#

Stop monitoring the state of all switches.

check_state(state: str) bool[source]#

Test the state of one of the switch’s properties.


state – the state to test for, should be one of self.on or


Functions to manage threads.

Each thread maintains its own Client object for parallel execution of Minecraft Server functions. The 1st Client object is created on the main thread and then passed to new_thread.

mciwb.threads.new_thread(client: Client, target, name: str) Thread[source]#

Create a thread with its own RCON Client connection stored in thread local storage

mciwb.threads.set_client(client: Client) None[source]#

Set the client for this thread. Use this when the client object has been created outside of new_thread.

mciwb.threads.get_client() Client[source]#

retrieve the client for the current thread

mciwb.threads.get_thread_name() str[source]#

retrieve the name of the current thread. This is the name that was passed to new_thread.