Source code for mciwb.switch
from typing import Callable, List
from mcipc.rcon.enumerations import Item, SetblockMode
from mcwb.types import Vec3
from mciwb.logging import log
from mciwb.monitor import Monitor
from mciwb.threads import get_client
SwitchCallback = Callable[["Switch"], None]
item_types = {
"BUTTON": "[face=floor, facing=north]",
"LEVER": "[face=floor, facing=north]",
supported switch types and the properties to set on them
class Switch:
Defines a class for representing a lever, button or any other activator
in the world. Implements monitoring of the switch's state with callbacks.
:param position: the position of the switch in the world
:param item: the item type of the switch (must be one of `item_types`)
:param callback: the callback to call when the switch's state changes
:param name: the name of the switch (defaults to "switch" + id)
:ivar id: the id of the switch
:ivar name: the name of the switch
:ivar pos: the position of the switch in the world
:ivar powered: the current state of the switch (True if powered)
:ivar callback: the callback to call when the switch's state changes
:ivar monitor: the `Monitor` object for the switch
:ivar switches: the list of all switches in the world
:ivar next_id: the next id to assign to a switch
:ivar on: the state to check for a powered switch
:ivar off: the state to check for an un-powered switch
:ivar monitor: the `Monitor` object for the switch
switches: List["Switch"] = []
next_id: int = 0
def __init__(
position: Vec3,
item: Item,
callback: SwitchCallback,
name: str = "",
) -> None:
self.pos = position
self.callback = callback
Switch.next_id += 1 = Switch.next_id = name if name else f"switch{}"
self.powered = False
for key, val in item_types.items():
if key in str(item).upper():
properties = val
raise ValueError(f"{item} is not a supported type of switch")
self.on = str(item) + "[powered=true]" = str(item) + "[powered=false]"
# TODO pass properties for orientation to the constructor
full_item = str(item) + properties
res = get_client().setblock(position, full_item, mode=SetblockMode.REPLACE)
if "Changed the block" not in res:
log.warning(res)"Created switch {}, id {} at {position}")
self.monitor = Monitor(self._poll,
def remove_named(cls, name: str):
Remove a switch by name.
for switch in cls.switches:
if == name:
# fail silently if the switch isn't found
def remove(self):
Remove the switch from the world. Clean up the monitor.
if self in self.switches:
get_client().setblock(self.pos, str(Item.AIR), mode=SetblockMode.REPLACE)"Deleted switch {} at {self.pos}")
def stop(cls):
Stop monitoring the state of all switches.
# TODO this does nothing currently?
cls.monitoring = False
def check_state(self, state: str) -> bool:
Test the state of one of the switch's properties.
:param state: the state to test for, should be one of
*self.on* or **
res = get_client().execute.if_.block(self.pos, state).run("seed")
if "Seed" in res:
result = True
result = False
return result
def _poll(self):
if self.powered:
if self.check_state(
self.powered = False
if self.callback:
if self.check_state(self.on):
self.powered = True
if self.callback: