Source code for maaspower.webhook

Use Flask to implement a web server that provides web hooks based on
the provided configuration

from flask import Flask
from flask.wrappers import Response
from flask_basicauth import BasicAuth

from .maasconfig import MaasConfig

app = Flask("maaspower")
basic_auth = BasicAuth(app)

def hello():
    return "MAAS Power Web Hooks Server"

[docs] @app.route("/maaspower/<devicename>/<command>", methods=["POST", "GET"]) @basic_auth.required def command(devicename: str, command: str): """ Accept webhooks at /maaspower/<devicename>/<command> """ c: MaasConfig = app.config["mass_config"] print(f"device: {devicename} command: {command}") device = c.find_device(devicename) if device is None: raise ValueError(f"unknown device {devicename}") else: result = device.do_command(command) print(f"response: {result}") resp = Response(result) return resp
[docs] def load_web_hook(c: MaasConfig): """ Setup config for the webserver """ app.config["mass_config"] = c app.config["BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME"] = c.username app.config["BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD"] = c.password app.config["BASIC_AUTH_FORCE"] = True
[docs] def run_web_hook(c: MaasConfig): """ Launch the webserver """ load_web_hook(c), port=c.port)