
Code Execution#

Note that the command line interface allows the remote execution of any command on the machine running the webhooks. Make sure good passwords are used and also use a localhost only service to avoid remote execution if possible.

This is less serious than it sounds because the only way to change the commands executed is by modifying the config file. So protecting the config file via file permissions is also important.


At present maaspower supports the basic authentication method implemented in Flask and supported in MAAS by adding a username and password to the webhook config.

Unless an SSL connection is configured, these credentials will be visible on the network.

TODO: document setting up an SSL certificate.

The username and password accepted by the server are given in the config file. Therefore the config file should be kept securely and usually have file mode of 600. This is how k8s kubectl config is secured.


For the safest results it is recommended to configure the ip_address as or localhost. Then you would be required to run the webhook service on the same machine as the MAAS rack server (or servers).

For a production system it is recommended that an SSL connection is used, and that Flask is configured for a production environment. See