
Install using python and pip

Check your version of python

You will need python 3.8 or later. You can check your version of python by typing into a terminal:

python3 --version

Create a virtual environment

It is recommended that you install into a “virtual environment” so this installation will not interfere with any existing Python software:

python3 -m venv /path/to/venv
source /path/to/venv/bin/activate

Running the application

You can now use pip to install the application:

# first make sure pip and wheel are up to date
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
python3 -m pip install maaspower

If you require a feature that is not currently released you can also install from github:

python3 -m pip install git+git://

The application should now be installed and the command line interface on your path. You can check the version that has been installed by typing:

maaspower --version

Install using the container

Releases of MaasPower include a container that holds python, maaspower and also the uhubctl command line utility. This can be a convenient way to deploy since you will only need a container runtime on the target machine.

If you use docker you can tell it to restart the container on reboot of the machine so this is a convenient way to install it as a ‘service’.

Assuming you already have docker (or podman) installed then the following command line will launch maaspower as a background task and restart it on reboot.

(replace CONFIG_FILE and CONFIG_PATH with your own config file details)

volumes="-v <CONFIG_PATH>:/config"
service="-d --restart unless-stopped"
sudo="--privileged --net host"
docker run -it --name maaspower $volumes $service $sudo $image run /config/<CONFIG_FILE>

You can look at the output to verify all is well with:

docker logs maaspower

And stop the web server with:

docker stop maaspower
docker container delete maaspower