Source code for maaspower.devices.shell_cmd


Classes to represent the configuration and functionality for devices
that can be controlled via a command line utility.

e.g. smart power switching usb hubs
import subprocess
from dataclasses import dataclass

from typing_extensions import Annotated as A
from typing_extensions import Literal

from maaspower.maas_globals import desc
from maaspower.maasconfig import RegexSwitchDevice

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True) class CommandLine(RegexSwitchDevice): """A device controlled via a command line utility""" on: A[str, desc("command line string to switch device on")] off: A[str, desc("command line string to switch device off")] query: A[str, desc("command line string to query device state")] query_on_regex: A[str, desc("match the on status return from query")] = "on" query_off_regex: A[str, desc("match the off status return from query")] = "off" type: Literal["CommandLine"] = "CommandLine" def execute_command(self, command: str): print(f"EXECUTE command line: {command}") params = command.split(" ") process = subprocess.Popen( params, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, stderr = process.communicate() print(stdout.decode(), stderr.decode()) return stdout.decode() def turn_on(self): self.execute_command(self.on) def turn_off(self): self.execute_command( def run_query(self) -> str: return self.execute_command(self.query)